Showcase in Dior Jewelry Store


Dec 23, 2022

In the past few years we at Metis Lighting have invested much energy on renovating ourselves from the inside.

In 2020 we launched our renovated website and initiated a journey of better narrating our activities. This was not only about re-organising our portfolio and content, but also sharing reflections on lighting topics, participating into national and international events for better presenting the identity and core of Metis Lighting. For that matter, we started our newsletter being really careful about it, avoiding being redundant and with the desire to reason about topics interesting to us and hopefully to others.

We keep on thinking about new ways, directions and projects, both inwards and outwards. This brought up the idea: why don’t we present a new Company Profile, composed of figures and values we believe in, grouped in one very immediate, graphical and concise document?

An we did it! You can have a look here, it is a downloadable pdf divided in eight sections, among which we also elaborate our vision:

Light is a soundtrack that fills the whole world around us with its notes: it has the power of changing the perception and the feeling of nature, humans, architecture.
Conscious lighting design strives to find the balance in the triangle, the solution that meets sustainability, innovation, and beauty in a combination of science and emotions.

An ethical philosophy motivates every custom-made project in its uniqueness and respect for the ecosystem. Every space, scenery and user deserves dedicated lighting for seeing, feeling, and living.

Our company profile was created thanks to a team of graphic designers, strategy consultants, copy writers, and, of course!, lighting designers. Here is probably the right place to thank Zoì Katsarou, Eleonora Greppi, Alessandro Riccardi, Chiara Panceri and our Marinella Patetta and Claudio Valent.

Stay tuned for more… light and lighting journeys!

Graphic Design: Eleonora Greppi
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